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Kittlein, M. J. 2008. Population dynamics of pampas mice (Akodon azarae): signatures of competition and predation exposed through time-series modeling. Population Ecology, en prensa. Archivo Acrobat pdf

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Mora, M. S., Lessa, E. P., Cutrera, A. P., Kittlein, M. J., y A. I. Vassallo. 2007. Phylogeographic structure in the subterranean tuco-tuco Ctenomys talarum (Rodentia: Ctenomyidae): contrasting the demographic consequences of regional and habitat-specific histories. Molecular Ecology, 16:3453-3465. Archivo Acrobat pdf

Mora, M. S., Lessa, E. P., Kittlein, M. J., y A. I. Vassallo. 2006. Phylogeography of the subterranean rodent Ctenomys australis in sand-dune habitats: evidence of population expansion. Journal of Mammalogy. Vol 87 issue 6. Archivo Acrobat pdf

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Hodara, K., Busch, M., Kittlein, M. J., y F. O. Kravetz. 2000. Density-dependent habitat selection between maize cropfields and their borders in two rodent species (Akodon azarae and Calomys laucha) of Pampean agroecosystems. Evolutionary Ecology, 14:571-593. Archivo Acrobat pdf

Kittlein, M. J. Vassallo, A. I., y C. Busch. 2001. Differential predation upon sex and age classes of tuco-tucos (Ctenomys talarum, Rodentia: Octodontidae) by owls. Mammalian Biology, 66:281-289. Archivo Acrobat pdf

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Folgarait, P. J.,; J. A. Monjeau, y M. Kittlein. 1998. Solving the enigma of granivory rates in Patagonia and throughout other deserts of the world: is thermal range the explanation?. Ecologia Austral, 8: 251-264. Archivo Acrobat pdf

Kittlein, M. J. 1997. Assessing the impact of owl predation on the growth rate of a rodent prey population. Ecological Modelling, 103:123-134. Archivo Acrobat pdf

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Kittlein, M. 1991. Population biology of Sphaeroma serratum Fabricius (Isopoda, Flabellifera) at the Port of Mar del Plata, Argentina. Journal of Natural History 25:1449-1459. Archivo Acrobat pdf